I’m using Visual Studio Code as my #1 editor for my #PowerShell scripts and modules and these are my favorite extensions what I use every day.
[Note] Keep this list accessible to make my life easier in case I have to install these from scratch :)
Mandatory extensions on my machine Link to heading
#####Bracket Pair Colorizer A customizable extension for colorizing matching brackets
#####C# C# for Visual Studio Code (powered by OmniSharp).
#####indent-rainbow Makes indentation easier to read
#####markdownlint Markdown linting and style checking for Visual Studio Code
#####Material Theme The most epic theme now for Visual Studio Code
#####One Dark Pro Atom’s iconic One Dark theme, and one of the most downloaded themes for VS Code!
#####PowerShell Develop PowerShell scripts in Visual Studio Code!
#####Prettier - Code formatter VS Code plugin for prettier/prettier
#####Trailing Spaces Highlight trailing spaces and delete them in a flash!
#####WakaTime Metrics, insights, and time tracking automatically generated from your programming activity.
Extra extensions added on 1/1/2020 Link to heading
####Peacock Subtly change the workspace color of your workspace. Ideal when you have multiple VS Code instances and you want to quickly identify which is which.
####Remote - WSL Open any folder in the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and take advantage of Visual Studio Code’s full feature set.
Additional extensions based on the machine Link to heading
#####Azure Repos Connect to Azure Repos and work with Git and Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) repositories. Manage your pull requests, work items, and more.
#####Docker Adds syntax highlighting, commands, hover tips, and linting for Dockerfile and docker-compose files.